
diaries // april 14


Abril teve um bocadinho de tudo.
April had a bit of everything.

1. "be happy" // 2. vintage tin boxes c/o my mom // 3. scrapbooking
4. easter chocolates // 5. prettiest earrings // 6. studying
7. the newlyweds // 8. the bridal ride // 9. the dress
10. picking up a package // 11. scrapbooking ii // 12.scrapbooking iii
13. studying ii // 14. loading film // 15. sunny sunday
16. flowers // 17. polaroid // 18. seaside stroll

photographs // rainbow


Um passeio em Santarém.
A walk in Santarém.

artists // jackson eaton


"Better Half"
(a series by Jackson Eaton)

"This work represents an earlier series of photographs - Were Never Married - of myself and my then-girlfriend in South Korea, alongside new photographs of my father and his now-wife in Perth, Australia."