
vancouver, bc


During this Summer I had the opportunity to travel. I spent a few weeks in Canada and in the USA, hopping from state to state and getting to know the cities on the way. There was an ocean and an entire continent separating me from my hometown. Even now, it just feels so… Big. I remember arriving in our first stop. It was 4 a.m. in Portugal and 8 p.m. locally. I didn’t get any sleep on the plane and I was practically tumbling to the side but I couldn’t close my eyes and give in to the sleepiness. This was a world that went on without my own and I wanted to take it all in. On our way to the hotel, we passed through the suburbs and I saw a random boy sitting on the front porch of his home with a guitar, singing. And there I was, a stranger, who travelled from none other than the far off country of Portugal and was about to experience something that he had access to every day. It’s funny how it’s all a matter of perspective. I think opportunities like this also make me value what I have at home. The more I travel, the more I realise just what a cool destination my own city is... But I digress. All in all, it feels… Unlikely. That amongst so many people, I’d be such a lucky one.

We didn't have much time in Vancouver but we did get to see a few interesting things. Granville Island, Capilano and the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden were my favourite spots. The first one was an island full of all kinds of commerce. I spent half of my time there trying to choose just some postcards to take home and during the other half we were at the Public Market, trying different foods and checking everything it had to offer. Capilano was my first glimpse of the North American flora. Giant trees making up a whole landscape, very unique trails and a view to the mountains. And last but not least, the attention to detail that went into creating the Chinese Garden, both visually and functionally speaking made it one of the most interesting places I got to see.


  1. o primeiro parágrafo, damn, adoro essa sensação, de estar num sítio tão comum a outros mas passageiro a nós :) que fotos bonitas e que bolos bons!

    1. é sempre algo que me passa pela cabeça :) obrigada!

  2. uau gosto tanto! pelas fotografias deve ser uma cidade belíssima! :)
