
canada & usa roundup: the polaroids


To give this series a proper ending, here are my very last photographs from last Summer's travels, taken with a Polaroid SX-70. 
These feel like some of the most special memories to me. I guess it's in the numbers. I shot many, many pictures on my digital camera, but only a few with my SX-70. Special and dear as I may hold my digital snaps, there is one thing I cannot remember... I remember taking photos as I went on... But the action of taking a picture is a burry thought, in most cases. 

With these, it's different. These take me back. In the most literal sense possible. I can remember every little detail about the moment I took the shot. Where I was, whether I was standing, sitting or in some weird position to get the shot, I can remember changing the settings for the light, checking once or twice because I haven't had this camera for that long... And taking the shot. I am able to evoke the feeling so well it's almost like I'm there again.

Here's to unforgettable places.

{previous posts}


  1. Amei esse espaço, e essas fotos? Sem palavras.
    Estarei sempre por aqui.
    Gostaria de deixar o convite para vir conhecer meu cantinho e um pouquinho de mim.
    Um abração e uma ótima semana.

  2. Que fotografias lindas! Inspiraste-me e já mandei vir instax film as cores. Vou a Portugal para a semana e quero tirar fotografias na praia :) Assim ponho no meu quarto e vou-me sempre lembrar onde estava quando as tirei! :)
    xo, S
    check out my personal and travel blog ♥

  3. possa que lindas, a sério gostei tanto! As polaroids são aquele amor que a gente já sabe, mas a cor destas, não sei opá <3 queria tê-las na minha parede :3
