
brussels #1: the vanishing act


(Quartier de la Cour: Place Royale, Montagne de la Cour, Mont des Arts)

Ever since I've arrived, I've stopped countless times what I am doing just to watch the sunset from my window. It is particularly beautiful in Brussels. Or maybe it's just me - a passer-by that wishes she could stay a little while longer already, that is noticing things she'd otherwise take for granted.

One day I was on the bus though, coming back from one of my many walks in the center, and I looked back. The view from the Mont des Arts towards the Grand Place was pretty special, and I decided I had to come back for just that. So I did.


  1. Wow! A beautiful city. I wish I could visit it one day :)

  2. A última é a minha foto favorita, sem dúvida :) Aquela hora que nem é noite nem dia, mas as luzes e os neons já estão ligados, é das minhas coisas favoritas de ver e a foto com isso, o movimento da rua e a sobreposição da luz em cima daqueles edifícios do lado esquerdo, opá, adorei :)
